What is link preview and how to use it

What is a link preview?

A link preview is a small preview of the website that a link leads to. It typically includes a screenshot of the first page of the site or a snippet from the site's description or the page's first few words. Link previews can help users determine whether they want to click on a link or not. If the preview is relevant to the user's search, they are more likely to click on the link. However, if the preview is not relevant, they are less likely to do so.

BlockSurvey offers a feature that allows you to set up a link preview for all of your forms and surveys. This can make your links more appealing and branded when they are shared on social media or messenger tools.

To set up a link preview, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Share screen of your form or survey.
  2. If you haven't already published, publish your form or survey.
  3. Set up your link preview with a title, description, image, and favicon to make it more branded.
  4. Click Update.

Give it a try! And make your links more appealing and branded when they are shared.

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