What happened to my responses

Are you noticing that your response count is low or missing?

If you're facing issues with missing or low response counts in your BlockSurvey form or survey, don't worry. This guide will assist you in troubleshooting and resolving common issues related to response tracking.

Possible Reasons for Missing Responses:

  1. Live Mode and Default Filtering: BlockSurvey works in Live mode, where responses come in real-time. However, by default, responses from the last 30 days may be filtered, potentially leading to fewer responses visible to you.
  2. Longer Survey Duration: If your form or survey has been active for a while, older responses might not be shown by default. Adjusting the date filter settings can help in displaying them.
  3. Custom Range Filter: Utilizing the Custom Range filter allows you to retrieve responses within specific date ranges, useful for pinpointing responses from particular time periods.

To ensure you're not missing any responses, follow these steps:

  1. Check for Filters: Look for any filters that might be applied, limiting the responses you see.
  2. Clear Condition-based Filters: If condition-based filters are in place, clear them to reveal all responses.
  3. Adjust Date Range: Use the Custom Range filter to specify the timeframe for viewing responses.

If you are still running into issues, contact us at [email protected] at any time.

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