I don't have my BlockSurvey Secret Key, How to login

If you have signed up for BlockSurvey using an Email or Social Auth, there is a way to retrieve your lost Secret Key.

However, if you used other signup methods(Crypto Wallets), there is no way to recover your BlockSurvey account.

During the email signup process, a Magic Recovery Code is sent to your email address associated with your BlockSurvey account. Search for the email in your inbox to locate the recovery code. If it is deleted or not found there isn't a way to recover it.

Below are the steps to log in to your BlockSurvey account using the Recovery Code

  1. Enter your Email.
  2. Enter the OTP sent to your registered email.
  3. Copy and paste the Magic Recovery Code from your email which was sent to your registered email at the time of Signup.

By following these steps, you will be able to sign in to your BlockSurvey account.

Want to recover your secret key? Click here! to learn how to recover it.

Note: The Secret Key and the Magic Recovery Code are known only to you and not to BlockSurvey. If you lose them, we won't be able to recover your account or data. Keep this information safe and secure!

If you are still running into issues, contact us at [email protected] at any time.

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