How to import forms and surveys from other platforms

Importing surveys to BlockSurvey from other platforms is made easier with the AI feature. While perfect replication isn't guaranteed, we aim to simplify the process for you. Here is how you do it:

  1. Locate your survey on the platform where it's currently hosted. You can obtain the survey link or download the survey as a PDF, text file, or Excel file, depending on the options provided by the platform.
  2. Log in to your BlockSurvey account and navigate to the dashboard. If you don't have an account yet, you'll need to sign up for one before proceeding.
  3. Click on Create New -> Create using AI on the Dashboard page.
  4. If you have a survey link, select the "URL" tab, paste the survey link and click Create.
  5. If you have a document file (PDF, text, or Excel), select the "Document" tab and upload the PDF, text, or Excel file and click Create.
  6. Once the AI analyzes your survey, it replicates it on BlockSurvey. While it may not be an exact match, it'll closely resemble your original. You might need to make some minor tweaks to match the original.
  7. Once you're satisfied with the survey, Publish and Share the survey to begin collecting responses from your audience.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly create surveys from other platforms into BlockSurvey using the AI feature, making the transition process smoother and more efficient.

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