How to create gated forms or surveys

What is a Token gated forms or surveys?

Token gated forms and surveys are used for collecting targeted feedback from your Web 3.0 audience. With the help of targeted feedback, you can lead to better decision-making and more effective product development.

How to create gated forms/surveys in BlockSurvey?

BlockSurvey allows you to create Token Gated Forms & Surveys to collect targeted feedback from your audience. Here's a quick step-by-step guide:

  1. Create/Open a survey or form.
  2. Click Add question by type.
  3. Choose a network under Web3 Identity verification.

  1. Under the Token gating tab, choose the type of gating you want to use (Fungible or Non-Fungible tokens).

Note: Token gating is not supported for BNB Network. It will be available soon.

  1. Next, choose the token name you want to use for gating. BlockSurvey provides a list of tokens and their contracts from active projects on the selected network. This makes it easy to get started quickly.

  1. In case your project's token is not listed, you can still use it for gating. Choose the 'Other' option and provide the following details:
    • Contract Address: This is the identifier for your token's specific smart contract on the blockchain.
    • Token Name: Enter the descriptive label for your cryptocurrency or token.
    • Token Decimals: Specify the smallest divisible unit or precision level of your token.
    • Minimum Holdings Value: Define the minimum amount of the token or asset that someone must hold to access your form or survey.

  1. Now Publish and Share your form or survey.

How does it work for Respondents?

  1. When respondents access your form or survey, they will be prompted to sign in using their network's wallet. Supported wallets vary depending on the selected network, and BlockSurvey is compatible with popular wallets such as Hiro, Xverse for Stacks and Bitcoin, Metamask, Phantom for Solana, Ethereum, Polygon, Avalanche, Binance, and Celo.
  2. Connecting your wallet will not trigger a transaction or cost any gas fees. BlockSurvey uses the network's API to check if respondents meet the minimum token holdings criteria you've defined just to verify ownership.
  3. If respondents meet the requirements, they can proceed to submit their responses to your form or survey.

Can I skip Token Gating validation?

Yes, you can skip Token Gating by turning on the 'Skip Token Gating validation' under the Options tab of your wallet question. Normally, Token Gating requires your connected wallet to meet certain criteria to submit a survey or move to the next question.

That's it! You've successfully set up Token Gated forms/surveys using BlockSurvey. This approach allows you to collect feedback from a targeted audience based on their token holdings ensuring that the responses you receive are relevant and valuable for your business or organization.

If you are still running into issues, contact us at [email protected] at any time.

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