How to create Multiple Numberboxes

What is a Multiple Numberboxes question?

The Multiple Numberboxes question allows you to collect multiple numerical open-ended answers in a single question.

How to create a Multiple Numberboxes?

Follow these quick steps to create a Multiple Numberboxes question in your survey or form,

  1. In the survey/form, click on Add Question by type and search for Multiple Numberboxes, or you can find it under the Choices category and add it as your question.
  2. Now, enter your question and the preferred labels for each number box.

For example: if you want to know the number of hours an employee has spent on various activities in a day, you can set it up like this:

This setup will allow respondents to input the number of hours they spent on each of these activities in a single question.

Note: You can also add a Fixed Sum to make sure your respondents’ answers add up to a specific value. To do this turn on the Require a Fixed Sum and specify a value.

For example: You wanted to ask the respondents to distribute 1,500 calories in a weight-loss program.

This how the question looks like in the actual survey/form.

If the respondent's numerical input is lesser or greater than the Fixed Sum an error message is shown. The respondent will not be able to go to the next question or submit the survey.

Give it a try! You can easily create a Multiple Numberboxes question in BlockSurvey.

If you are still running into issues, contact us at [email protected] at any time.

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