How to share the responses and analytics report of a survey/form in Blocksurvey

Sharing the responses and analytics of a survey/form in BlockSurvey is a simple process. Just follow these steps:

  1. To share responses, navigate to the Responses page and click Share.
  2. To share analytics, go to the Analytics page and click Share.
  3. If you wish to share existing data, generate a report under Snapshot tab as Live data updates are not visible here. For real-time data, create a report under Live tab.
  4. Give a name to the report and click Create.
  5. Copy the URL of the report and share it with others to allow them to view the report.

Note: After creating a report, you can enhance security by adding either a password or email gating. Remember to click on Update to apply your selection to the report.

That's it! Now you can easily share the responses and analytics of your survey/form in BlockSurvey.

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