How to randomize questions in Blocksurvey

What is Question Randomization?

Question randomization is a helpful feature that allows you to shuffle or rearrange the order of questions in a survey/form. It creates different versions of the survey for each respondent.

Randomizing the order of questions on a survey can improve the accuracy of the results by reducing bias. If a set of questions is asked in a fixed order, some respondents may be influenced by the order of the questions and use specific responses to guide their answers to later questions.

For example, a respondent may be less likely to report an intention to seek treatment for an illness if they see that the question about treatment was asked after a question about a history of the illness. Randomizing the order of the questions helps to avoid this potential bias.

In the survey world, randomization is sometimes referred to as Shuffle.

In BlockSurvey, you can easily implement question randomization in your survey/form. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Go to Settings -> Question Randomization of a survey/form for which you need to randomize the questions.
  2. Turn on Enable question shuffle / randomize. This helps you randomize the entire set of questions in the survey.
  3. You can also shuffle and display a specific number of questions for each respondent by turning on the Maximum number of questions per respondent.
  4. Also, you can set a question range so that the questions in the specified range will be shuffled and others remain the same.

Note: You can also Randomize questions within a specified range, Sampling with randomization, and also Sampling with randomization for a given range of questions. Know more!

  1. You can also enable the Skip question randomization option under the Options tab of individual questions to exclude them from the randomization process.

How to randomize answers?

Randomization of answers is also available for single-choice and multiple-choice questions. To enable this option, turn on the Shuffle options under the Options tab of a question.

Give it a try! And see how randomization in BlockSurvey ensures a fair and unbiased survey experience, ultimately leading to more reliable and accurate insights from your respondents.

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