How to create a quiz

You can create a quiz either from scratch or using our template as a reference guide. 

In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to create a quiz using our template. 

  1. Go to Templates and search for The Bitcoin Trivia Quiz.
  2. Select The Bitcoin Trivia Quiz and Click Use Template.
  3. Now that you have cloned the template. Let's look deeper into how the quiz is built. 
  4. There are 6 questions, and there is a right answer for each of them. A score is also assigned for each question. 
  5. The correct or wrong answers are given as feedback from the Feedback section.

  1. The scores are assigned in the Assignment section.
  2. Review each section to see how the scores and feedback are set. 
  3. Now, let's sum up the total score. Based on the answers the respondent selects, their score gets added up in the default Score variable available under Settings -> Assignment & Formulas -> Numeric Expressions.
  4. Once this setup is done, you are pretty close to completion. Go to the Thank you screen and share the outcome. 
  5. On submission, we can also display the feedback and the score instantly by using the Score variable in the Thank You screen.

Give it a try! See how you can use feedback to create an interactive assessment experience for your respondents.

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